What you really want? Well apparently, last month social media lovers wanted to bring some of DMX’s greatest hits back. It’s said that D is about to uplift his career and head on tour soon so the unscheduled viral isn’t too far off track.
Last month online users where having fun with his 1999 hit, “What They Want,” featuring Sisqo. In the second verse of the song, DMX does an extended roll call of all the women he’s allegedly had flings with, and he famously lists each lady by name.
In the #DMXCHallenge, users online are making a video of all their different looks to match up with the girls names in the song, which is no easy feat.
It’s not just your average online user that picked up the challenge. Stars from Jada Pinkett Smith to Halle Berry couldn’t resist the hit viral. Showing off different looks and styles, Insta users went all in!
If there’s anything that social media is good for, it’s creating a fun viral challenge, and the latest one that the internet has gotten its hands on is making me want to book a hair appointment right this second. The challenge in question is called the #DMXChallenge — yes, that DMX — and it’s just proof that black women are masters at switching up their hair and pulling off every length, color, texture, and style under the sun.
Click the links below for some of our favs.
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