The truth of the matter is that Kamala Harris does not need to hold up a sign identifying her cultural background for her to get an ‘invite to the cookout’. Despite political views, Kamala Harris is a staple example of what women of color can do in this country. Has she made friends with every political view or vote she has declined or accepted? NO. Furthermore, have any of the other past potential candidates? NO.
We’ve observed the controversies around Harris streaming on the news and social media. Some suggest she could have used her power to push reform methods to legalize marijuana. Or lessen the conviction rate and support ballots that revitalize the three-strike law.
Our Goal Concerning Kamala Harris
Our goal isn’t to persuade your vote. Rather it’s about community. VIP has and will always be for what encourages and ignites our community. And our VIP community is full of women that look like Kamala. We live in a country that is set on telling our young boys and girls who and what they should be based on the color of their skin or the texture of their hair.
Harris’ has broken those generalizations. Whether you vote for her or not, at least root for her. Root for the brown girl that grew up in Oakland, CA raised by an Indian mother and Jamaican father. This girl could have been your neighbor, aunt or church member.
Before we prejudge, let’s get to know her. Here are some facts on Kamala Harris.
- >Her mother chose Kamala’s name as a nod both to her Indian roots and the empowerment of women. Kamala means “lotus” and is another name for the Hindu goddess Lakshmi.
- Harris was recruited to the San Francisco District Attorney’s office by a former colleague in Alameda. One of her first actions was cracking down on teenage prostitution in the city. She reoriented law enforcement’s approach to focus on the girls as victims rather than criminals selling sex.
- In 2004 Harris declined to pursue the death penalty against the man who murdered police officer Isaac Espinoza. At the funeral, Senator Dianne Feinstein delivered a eulogy in which she criticized Harris, who was in the audience. The eulogy prompted a standing ovation from the hundreds of officers in attendance.
- She went viral in 2017 for her sharp questioning of Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the Russia investigation. After 3½ minutes of persistent questioning, Sessions said, “I’m not able to be rushed this fast! It makes me nervous.
- Her favorite books include Native Son by Richard Wright, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, and several more.
- She’s not a fan of being called the female Obama. When a reporter asked her about carrying on Obama’s legacy during her run for president, she said, “I have my own legacy”.
For more information on Kamala Harris, visit her VP Candidate bio page at Politico Magazine.
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