It’s important to know how to protect hair during heat waves. While we’ve exited the summer months, we’re having some massive AV heat waves. So, just like skin, hair needs careful protection from the sun.
Don’t ignore the signs. Every hair type is unique and has its own love language. Trust us, when your hair needs something, you WILL see the signs.
Applying too much heat? Or, you have terrible uneven breakage or not applying enough moisture? You may be subject to a flaky , itchy scalp.
Yes girl, hair talks. For our Antelope Valley beauties there are some things you can do to make certain your hair maintains its moisture in triple digit heat!
Here are a few VIP hair to help you protect your hair during AV heat waves:
1. Keep your hair color natural
More than any other time, it is chic and beneficial to let your hair be as it is during heat waves. Sun, heat, salt and other elements are already pretty harsh on the hair. Why add color treatment to the mix? Go au naturel until fall arrives.
2. Create a shield before sunning and swimming
The most enjoyable things about warm weather, time outdoors, exploring and swimming. But, they can really take their toll on the hair. Before you indulge in the fun, pre-soak your strands with fresh water. Then, slather it in a leave-in conditioning hair cream. Already soaked in pure, nourishing, protective things, hair will be less likely to absorb damaging elements like chlorine and salt.
3. Cleanse with care
Hair gets pretty soiled at the beach or pool. The temptation is to scrub it clean, and often. That’s perfectly fine, so long as you use an appropriately gentle shampoo. One that is formulated especially to clarify hair from salt, chlorine and sand residue. And can protect it from the next day’s sun session. This will cut down on unnecessary drying.
4. Avoid too much heat
The weather is hot already. Your hair doesn’t need intense blow drying and hot tools on top of all that sun. The key is to limit your heat styling as much as possible. Try air drying most of the way. And, only use styling irons occasionally. It’ll really minimize seasonal damage.
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